Masterrender Music

Kampoeng Music Producer StreamNow!

- Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Two Different World
- Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - I Scream To My Self
- Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - This Is My Freedom
- Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Pass Me (REMAKE)
- Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Stop That Shit
- Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Beautifull day (REMAKE)
RELEASE: Youtube, Spotify
TYPE: Single
GENRE: Trap, hiphop, moombahton, progressivehouse, future bounce, future bass

(Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Two Different World) - When you often see conflicts between people around you, so that it makes you depressed, drowned, buried. those people always think you are not right.
(Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - I Scream To My Self) - Did you realize that when I was being watched by the devil, that was me, as if the brain thought that it wasn't me
(Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - This Is My Freedom) - Never find freedom in this life, always pressured by something that is not so important, so that I forget about my true existence and function, those people seem to keep me in an uncomfortable zone
(Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Pass Me (REMAKE)) - Someone is insulting me, someone is hurting me, someone is hating me, ok! no problem but when they try to play with the one i love then pass me
(Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Stop That Shit) - Annoyance starts to appear when people who used to be in my zone have now become stupid and crazy, as if I was wrong but I feel right
Masterrender ft xnxxsmiley - Beautifull day (REMAKE) - I really love nature, I really love animals, life feels so calm when I'm with them